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Single Parent Statistics in Canada
Did you know that in Canada, the prevalence of single-parent households has been on the rise over the years? According to Statistics Canada, there has been a significant…
Many single mothers are not aware of many specialized no-cost services available to them in their local communities. To help you locate these services, I am going to…
3 Steps To a Richer New Year
December is a month of various traditions. Traditions that typically have little to do with saving, budgeting, and planning…
Curious if being a single mother might be easier in some places in the world? I know I am!…
10 Uplifting Quotes For a Weary Mom
Let’s face it, being a mother is hard. Yes, it’s one of the most beautiful and life-transforming experiences that…
10 Best Quotes About Money Management
Even the most successful people were not born with some special kind of financial knowledge! Many people who made…
Self Care Resources
Free Self-Care Resources For Single Mothers
Whether it’s stress from the COVID-related lockdowns, or the daily grind, we all could benefit from good self-care resources to help us cope and thrive as…
No one expected that the Coronavirus pandemic will take over the world and our lives in such a short time. On a daily basis, people are searching the Internet for various tips on surviving the COVID-19. As single mothers, today we are faced with a very real challenge of protecting ourselves and our children from getting sick while having little to no practical support with carrying out daily tasks and providing for essential needs of our family.
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Navigating a Sudden Job Loss
Whether you’ve been at your current job for many years or a few months, there…